comaea cms stöd

Whether you are starting out,
or a seasoned skills-aware organisation, comaea go! will get you up and running
in no time.
A great way to start your skills capture journey.....
comaea go! is for small teams who want to capture and manage skills using world-leading technology but at a low cost and with a quick set up.

Easy set up
Hassle free; choose your package, pay by credit card and get go! ng.

Start small
Don't get overwhelmed; choose your skills framework and number of users and off you go!
comaea go! comes in 3 flavours

My Skills
For individuals who want to assess themselves against an industry standard framework

Team Builder
For small teams who want to do a self-assessment against an industry standard skills framework
Team Manager

For small teams who want to do a self-assessment against an industry standard framework and who want to include a manager or moderator approval process
Industry standard Competency & Skills Frameworks

more frameworks will be available soon...
comaea go! keeps things simple - we take the best-practice industry frameworks and set them up in comaea so all you have to do is carry out your assessment. No hassle.
You can then overlay the pre-defined job roles to see how your skills align.
If there are gaps in your competency or skills, then you will be pointed to learning activities that will help you close the gap.
Industry standard frameworks that are available now:

Compare the packages
All prices subject to VAT at the current rate.
Packages can be upgraded at any time.
User licences are per user per year, and can be added at any time.
All packages require 1 working day to set up. Login details will be emailed once the package is ready to use.