based pay
recognising skills to determine pay awards
What is CBP?
A competency-based pay (CBP) review is a way of recognising a person’s skills in a role to determine a pay award.
How can comaea help with this? Since a person will already be carrying out an assessment of their skills in comaea, we minimise further interventions.
•We know what role they are assessing against
•We know the Job Level Requirements (JLR) for that role
•We know if the person is working below, working at or working above the JLR
We simply need to apply a calculation to the approved scores to determine a pay award. We do this by adding a separate pay review plan to a person’s profile, keeping it separate from their skills assessment.
Competency-based pay workflow:
Implementera enkelt kompetensbaserade utvecklingsprogram
Tilldela enstaka eller flera roller till anställda när de bygger upp sina personliga kompetensprofiler
Generera omfattande personliga portföljrapporter
Håll meningsfulla utvecklingssamtal med hjälp av stöd från systemet
Få en detaljerad inblick i individens, teamets och organisatoriska förmåga och fatta mer välgrundade beslut
Uppmuntra och motivera anställdas personliga utveckling. Det skapar engagerade och gladare anställda med rätt kompetens som dessutom stannar inom organisationen
Data can be exported and given to HR/Payroll for pay award adjustments
Data can be exported and given to HR/Payroll for pay award adjustments