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New APM Competence Framework 3rd Edition now available in comaea

The Association of Project Management (APM) has launched the 3rd Edition of their popular competence framework.

The new edition includes 2 new competencies - Sustainability, and Diversity and inclusion - taking the total number of competencies in the framework to 29, up from 27 in the 2nd edition which came out in 2015. Along with the new framework comes an simple online assessment tool, which is ideal for individuals wishing to assess themselves against the 'vanilla' assessment criteria. They can also see how they compare with standard roles across the PMO, Project, Programme and Portfolio areas.

But what if you have a number of staff in these roles and need to compare and contrast, or want to tailor the competencies or role requirements to suit your organisation? That's where comaea can help.

Comaea lets you use the standard competence framework as a starter, and gives you the flexibility to tailor and adapt and even add to it to build an assessment that meets your own needs. Every role can be kept as standard or adjusted to suit, or new roles created and mapped to your version of "what good looks like". It can also be coupled with an accreditation process to lead to a Licence to Manage - a solution that many organisations are implementing to assure project manager competence against project risk.

Comaea also includes manager moderation and validation processes, if required, and capture of evidence and history, which ensures clear and structured development conversations. Career paths and other roles can be overlaid to your competency profile showing gaps and leading to targeted learning activities.

Finally, comaea dashboards provide hierarchal analytics for your teams and can be filtered by roles, organisation units and competencies so you can cut and slice the data to give you insights into your capability that you can use to make data-driven decisions.

If you want to find out more, or have a demo of how the APM Competence framework 3rd edition could look for your P3M community, then call us to arrange a virtual demonstration.

For more information, contact

About Comaea:

Comaea is the bit that your LMS and HR systems don't do very well. It is a specialist competency management software tool that provides employees a clear competency development structure to help them plan their career, and provides organisations a comprehensive data analytics package that enables data-driven decisions.


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